Professor Charusheela


  1. Selected Publications
    1. Articles and Book Chapters
    2. For Rethinking Marxism

I work on questions of economic subjectivity, gender, development, identity, and postcoloniality/globalization. I was Editor of Rethinking Marxism from August 2009 - July 2013 and served as an active member of its editorial board for over a decade (June 1997 to June 2000, July 2007 to July 2016). I completed two terms as an elected member of the Governing Board of the Cultural Studies Association (US) in May 2015. I twice served as an elected board member for the International Association for Feminist Economics, and acted as the convener/co-convener for the Feminist Pre-conference at the South Asian conference (Madison, WI) from 2005-2009.

Selected Publications

Articles and Book Chapters

“Postcolonial Economies: A Symposium – Introduction”, Journal of Contemporary Thought, Vol. 40, No. 4, Winter 2014.

“Gender, Economy, and Capitalocentrism.” Paper for symposium on postcolonial economies, Journal of Contemporary Thought, Vol. 40, No. 4, Winter 2014.

“Intersectionality.” Deborah Figart and Tonia Warnecke eds. Handbook of Research on Gender and Economic Life, Edward Elgar, (2013).

“Where is the ‘Economy’?  Cultural Studies and Narratives of Emerging Asian Dominance.”  In Paul Smith ed., Renewing Cultural Studies, Temple University Press (2011).

“Response: History, Historiography, and Subjectivity.” Refereed response to Sandro Mezzadra in continuation of special issue on The Commons and the Forms of the Commune guest edited by Ceren Ozselcuk and Anna Curcio, Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 23, no. 3, 2011.

“Gender and the Stability of Consumption: A Feminist Contribution to Post Keynesian Economics.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, Volume 34, no. 6, 2010.

“Engendering Feudalism: Modes of Production Debates Revisited.” Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 22, no. 3, April 2010. Translated into Italian, 2011.

“Social Analysis and the Capabilities Approach: A Limit to Martha Nussbaum’s Universalist Ethics.” Cambridge Journal of Economics, Vol. 33, No. 6, 2009.

For Rethinking Marxism

Editors’ Introduction, Written on behalf of the Editorial Board, Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 25, no.4, October 2013. Vol. 23, no. 1, January 2011. Vol. 22, no. 1, January 2010.

Rethinking Marxism: Legacies, Crossroads, New Directions.” (Article marking the transition in editoriship of Rethinking Marxism, with Joseph Childers, Yahya Madra and Maliha Safri.) Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 22, no. 1, January 2010.

“Re/membering Twenty Years of Rethinking Marxism: An Interview with David F. Ruccio and Jack Amariglio” (Interview of the past and current Editors of Rethinking Marxism on the occasion of the journals 20th year, with Kenan Ercel and Maliha Safri). Rethinking Marxism, Vol. 20, No. 4. (October 2008), pp. 596-630.

CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 S. Charusheela. Last modified: October 10, 2023.